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“Every day be yourself, only bolder.”

After 21 years in the industry, Austin considers responsible lending to be one of the highest forms of community service. Initially wanting to work in the Financial Management industry after obtaining her degree in Economics, she fell in love with Consumer Lending instead. Being able to help clients meet and structure their mortgage financing to meet their long-term financial goals and needs is at the hear of what she does.

Unique Approach

Austin values a holistic approach to servicing her clients, recognizing that building on leads in a beginning and building relationships is more enduring. The female-centric focus of The W Source™ network supports these efforts.

Utilizing her economics background, she values explaining the ‘why’ of the minutiae to deepen client understanding. She seeks not be just a rolodex of resources but an encyclopedia. Austin pushes herself to reach her own motto: “Every day be yourself, only bolder.” As she models this goal, she wishes it for her clients and others as well. She thinks we should all learn about ourselves and, at least once in our lifetimes, put ourselves in an unexpected place.

What’s Coming

In considering where her industry is headed in the next few years, she sees the disappearance of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac having a large impact. Austin believes that a backlash to technology is to be predicted. “Life happens outside of the box,” she shared, and as such “the swipe-right strategy doesn’t work.”


  1. Austin publishes a ‘Monday Mortgage Minute’ to keep her clients informed

  2. She considers herself a “bubbly nerd” as she blends math and emotion in her work