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“Be the purple cow.”

Sarah Montoya_Member Spotlight.png


Financial Advisor, Financial Planning Analyst

Morgan Stanley
(310) 285-2621

Sarah interfaces with business owners, their employees and families as they seek to reduce liability, establish financial goals, and navigate the system. Her years of experience have given her a view of a changing landscape in terms of predictable outcomes for college grads or long-term employee pensions. As distrust can sometimes creep in, Sarah strives to ‘speak human’ to real people with real questions and seeks to empower women and others with understanding. On that foundation, her clients cam make a solid decision.

Create Your Own A-List

In male-dominated industries, such as Finance, it can be easy to build your career chasing someone else’s A-List, making you a B-List professional. Rather than break into someone else’s network, Sarah flipped it on its head and created her own. This required some re-inventing and she now focuses largely on female-led ventures. She sees a beautiful shift happening away from viewing all as commodities to incorporating other, more meaningful values.

Be The Purple Cow

Working on goals for Sarah means setting lofty goals while still being able to see the goal posts, followed up with analyzing and re-evaluating. Her community of mutual support helps her attain her goal of being remarkable to the point that people notice you; i.e., be the purple cow. Aspects of this include good business karma in the sense that giving good advice gives you a reputation of being a guiding light.

Lesser Known

1. When not working professionally, Sarah ‘disappears’ in order to be fully engaged and participate in her community.

2. She gets away from the digital world by backpacking to remote places or taking her pup, Baxter, to the park.

Sarah Montoya is Financial Advisor with the Global Wealth Management Division of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Beverly Hills. The information contained in this article is not a solicitation to purchase or sell investments. Any information presented is general in nature and not intended to provide individually tailored investment advice. The strategies and/or investments referenced may not be suitable for all investors as the appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor's individual circumstances and objectives. Investing involves risks and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest. The views expressed herein are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the view of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, Member SIPC, or its affiliates.

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