Maria Tentsoglides | Mortgage Originator

About: Obtaining a Bachelor's degree at Temple University with a major in Science and Psychology provided a platform for a future in advising clients to make the largest financial decision of their lives. Having been in the mortgage industry for 5 years, Maria has had the honor of educating borrowers on the process, strategies, and the overall mortgage industry to empower people more. Refinancing, Purchases, Reverse mortgages, and loans to complete renovations are all options as families bloom or downsize. She has enjoyed being 100% referral-based and customer-centered.

Specialties: Relationship lending is my specialty! Loan officers are guided by high professional and ethical standards and are squarely focused on being customer-centric. Instead of focusing on volume, the truly successful loan officer works closely with clients to exceed their expectations. They do so by providing them answers and resources as they navigate this exciting and, at-times, stressful process. Empowering people through education is of utmost importance.

Quote: "An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest" — Benjamin Franklin

Connect: Contact Maria at or at (610) 504-6918 or visit her website below!